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Understanding Different Types of Cracks in Atlanta Homes

Understanding Different Types of Cracks in Atlanta Homes

We often get asked by homeowners about the different types of cracks we see in Atlanta homes. Here are some of the different cracks we see and what they mean.


Hairline Cracks

Hairline cracks in Atlanta homes are usually something not to be concerned about. However they should be monitored closely for changes. If you see any changes or see them grow over time you should consult with a professional and have them evaluated. Concrete floors in your basement or garage may from time to time develop small hairline cracks. Because these floors are not the actual foundation of your home there is typically little reason to be concerned. If however you see cracking in blocks or bricks in these areas, it may be an indication of a larger problem.


Stair Step Cracking

Stair step cracks in the mortar joints or through the brick itself may be a bigger cause for concern. Especially if the wall is bulging or if the cracks are greater than a quarter of an inch. Look for separation around windows and doors. If the brick is moving away from the window frame that’s a sure sign of foundation movement. Stair Step cracks are considered to be the classic sign of settlement in Atlanta. If you notice stair stepping cracks in your brick or block consult with a professional right away.


Vertical Cracks

Vertical cracks are common in both new construction and older homes. Seldomly are vertical cracks caused from foundation settlement but can cause water to enter the home.


Horizontal Cracks

Horizontal cracks in Atlanta basement walls are potentially the most serious of all. Hydrostatic pressure is at work here causing the walls to bow inwards. If you notice horizontal cracking in your wall, you should contact a foundation care provider immediately to evaluate the integrity of your home. We are happy to talk to you and answer any questions you have about foundation repair. If your concerned about foundation cracks in your home, call Wet Seal Waterproofing for a free in home consultation. We guarantee our best and after all our estimates are no hassle and free of charge. Put your mind at ease and at least get an experts opinion.